Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bethanie - 6 months

I am now six months and have learned so many new things this month. I am now a rolling machine and I can turn myself around in a circle to get to things I want. I have started babbling some and I definitely let mom and dad know when I am not happy with something. I have started having some seperation anxiety and I don't like it when mom, dad or Joel walk out of a room. I am quite the wiggle worm to and make it hard for anyone who is holding me. I still liked to be held a lot but I also like to get down on the floor and get into things.

I am currently eating 2 meals a day. I eat breakfast and dinner. New foods I have tried this month: peaches, pears, banana, peas, green beans, strawberries.

I am still wearing size 3-6 clothes and size 2 diapers.

Likes: baths, puffs, grabbing things, watching the dogs, playing with Joel, getting into things, being held,

Dislikes: being left alone, going down for naps, having my face washed, being strapped into my carseat.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6 month appointment

Bethanie had her 6 month appointment this morning and is doing great. She weighs 14 lbs 6 oz which is in the 25th percentile. Her height is 24 1/8 inches which is in the 10th percentile and her head is 43 1/4 inches.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The today show

This morning Matt and I woke up really early and took the kids downtown to see the today show live from Indianapolis. It was amazing. It was super busy but we got on TV during the cooking segment which was around 8:30 AM. You could see Matt and Bethanie a lot but there are just a few little segments of me lasting just a second. Here are some pics from the morning.