Wednesday, April 28, 2010

9 months!!

I am 9 months today and learning to do new things every day.

I am now 20 lbs which is the 50th percentile.

I am 29 1/2 inches long which is the 90th percentile.
My head measures 24 cms which is in the 50th percentile.
The doctor said that I am as healthy as a horse. He said that mom and dad can feed me anything but eggs and peanut butter but I can have things that may contain eggs and peanut butter. The doctor said that I am growing just fine and doing what I should be doing. They checked my iron level and it was 12.9 and the nurse said that it should be around 10 so I am not anemic. The doctor also said that we could start introducing the sippy cups with straws. He said that at one year I should be switched over to cows milk.

Things I like: to eat, to chase the dogs, cruise on the furniture, stand up on my own, playing in the bath

Things I don't like: getting water in my face, being told no, having things taken away from me

New things: I have two teeth, I wear 9-12 size clothes but mom thinks I may be outgrowing these soon, I can cruise on the furniture, I can crawl all over the place, I like to stand in my crib, I beg off of mom and dad whenever they eat anything (even if its something Im not suppose to have)

Finger foods I have tried: grapes, cheerios, pears, toast, pancakes, salmon, chicken, beef, cooked carrots, peas, apple juice, french fries, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, rice, apples,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chloe's Baby Naming

Last weekend Matt, Joel and I traveled to Boston to attend Chloe's Baby Naming. On Friday we went to temple with the family to attend the ceremony for Chloe to officially get her hebrew name. Then on Saturday they had a brunch for everyone to come and celebrate at the house Chloe's baby naming.
Then on Sunday we went into the city to take a Duck Tour which was pretty cool. Then on Monday before we all left we went into the city and walked around the public gardens. It was beautiful with all the tulips blooming and the trees blooming also. What a wonderful weekend we had in Boston.