Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Here are some pictures of my trip to Florida:

I went swimming for the first time!!!

I went to Epcot with Mommy and Grandma and Grandpa!

I did a lot of sitting in a stroller

I also did a lot of playing with the dogs

3 months!!

I am 3 months old now!! I have become quite and active baby. I am still a very good sleeper and I enjoy talking to people. I started wearing 3-6 month clothing last week and they really are not that big on me. I have been growing a lot and will soon be rolling over.

My likes: music, talking, watching tv, going to story hour and watching all the kids, taking baths, and eating, kicking my feet, going for walks

My dislikes: tummy time, getting my face washed, getting in the carseat and not moving

I have been eating 5-6 ounces almost every 3 hours.
I usually only wake up once during the night.
I have been taking one nap in the morning that lasts an hour and a nap in the afternoon that lasts about 2-3 hours.

First Plane ride

I had my first plane ride this last week to go and see my Grandma and Grandpa in Florida. I had a really good time watching all of the activities that go on throughout the airport. I even got to play on the floor and talk to all of the other people waiting for our flight. There were a lot of other families heading to Orlando. I was awake for about the first hour of the flight and was just watching all the people setting around me. I was very good on the flight and made very little noise. I slept for the last hour of the flight and all the way to Grandma and Grandpas house.

Pumpkin Carving

This year when Matt and I went to Brown County we stopped at a local farm to get some pumpkins. We got two pumpkins this year. One for Matt and I and one for Joel. Last weekend we carved our pumpkins as a family. Joel really enjoyed himself as you can see from the pictures:).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brown County

Ready to go on a hike

Last weekend Matt and I ventured to Brown County. Its about an hour and a half south of Indianapolis. Our first stop was a very quaint tourist trap: Nashville, IN. It had a lot of really cute shops and candy stores. Then we headed to the Brown County State Park where we drove around the park to see all the fall colors. This park is a place that people from all of the state embark upon in October to see all the fall colors. It was beautiful and a great day had by all. Joel did great. He slept almost the entire time and enjoyed is first hike around the lake in Brown County State Park.
All bundled up and ready to go.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wedding Weekend

This past weekend my older brother got married. I was a bridesmaid and Matt was an usher for the wedding. It was a beautiful day for a wedding despite the wind and it was a beautiful ceremony and reception. Here are some pictures of Joel's first wedding.