Friday, March 29, 2013

easter playgroup

Today we had our Friday playgroup over for an easter egg hunt.  The kids had so much fun running around outside and finding eggs :) 

matzah pizza

On Wednesday night the kids helped me make matzah pizza.  Here are some pictures of their work:)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Passover Seder

Here are some pics from our little seder this evening :).

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

grandparents day

Last Friday was Grandparents day at Joels school and my parents came from Florida for the week to attend with him.  The kids did a program just for the grandparents during their Shabbat service and they showed the grandparents their classrooms.


Joel has been taking a tumbling class this month at the community center and he claims he "loves it".  Here are some pictures from the class

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Here is what I did while Joel was in school today :)

I put up magnetic boards in the kitchen bc our fridge is not magnetic :)