Sunday, April 19, 2015

Caroline's 15 month appointment

Caroline had her 15 month appointment last week and is doing great.  She is 18.8 lbs which is 5 percent.  She is 28 1/2 Inches which is 5 percent.  Her head is 44 1/2.  All around she is doing great.  She is miss independent and doesn't want anyone to help her.

Likes: baths, playing outside, the dogs, eating anything, milk, music, going bye-bye, milk, her brother  and sister, reading

Dislikes:  being told no, coming inside, being strapped in a stroller or car seat,

Caroline's words:  Night night, Doggie, Baby, Hello, Hi, Bubble, Outside, Go, Bye bye, Grandpa, Up, Down, More, Eat, Water, Milk, No, Nana, Eye, Nose, Mouth, Mama, Dada, Read, Swing, Go, mine, Walk, Backpack, Thank you ,Jump, yogurt, "I see", 

She can go up and down the stairs independently.  She Can eat with utensils and drink from a straw.  She can throw and roll a ball.