I am 3 months old now and learning new things every day. I still get up at least 1 time per night but sometimes its 2. I am not real consistent in when I get up either. I usually get up anywhere between 1 AM and 5 AM. I don't get up at the same time each morning either but I usually get up sometime between 7 and 8 AM. I go to bed around 8 PM. I usually eat 4 oz of formula at a time and am wearing 0-3 month clothes. I wear size one diapers.

Likes: bathtime, eating, watching my brother, talking, being talked to, being naked, sucking on my hands and fingers, being held
Dislikes: having my face washed, having a bottle taken away from me when Im not finished, being strapped into my carseat, being in the car if it isn't moving
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