Friday, December 19, 2014

Decorating Christmas cookies

Downtown Holiday lights


Joel chose to do basketball as his winter sport this year.  He is improving each week and runs back and forth down the court with his team.  Here are some pics of his team.

Hanukkah program

On Wednesday the older kids had their Hanukkah program.  They both did a great job.  This is Joels last year in the Hanukkah play.  Here are some pics from their performance.

Bethanies Dance class

Each week Bethanie does tap, ballet and gymnastics in an hour class.  She is doing great.  This week they had a showcase where they showed off some of their skills.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Caroline 11 months

I can't believe that in 1 month caroline will be a year old.  Boy how the year has flown.  She is such a very smart little girl and is very active.

Likes:  going up and down the stairs, baths, bottles, table food, her sister and brother, music

Dislikes:  sitting in the stroller, being strapped in the carseat

She can now climb up and down the stairs by herself.  She is cruising like a champion. 

Words:  Baby, Momma, up, hi

She is eating 3 - 6 oz bottles and eating 3 meals a day.  She is wearing size 3 diapers but quickly moving up to size 4.  She is takind 1 nap a day and sleeps from 7 pm - 7 am. 

She is wearing size 9- 12 month clothes.