Today I am 8 months and I sure do like to keep mom and dad on their toes. I asserted my independence this morning by deciding to not nap for them..
Likes: playing with Joels toys, watching the dogs, climbing on Joel, exploring, talking, eating, baths, being held by mom
Dislikes: when Joel is to rough with me, laying down in my carseat, getting strapped into the stroller
I am still having alot of seperation anxiety especially when someone other than mommy or daddy is holding me. I am getting better about playing by myself even if mom does walk out of the room. I just recently learned to pull myself up and cruise which I love to do on anything I can get my hands on. I also have discovered the stairs.
Meals a day: 3
Bottles a day: 4
clothing size: 6-9 months
diaper size: 3