Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weekend in Buffalo

Here are some pictures of our weekend in Buffalo

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

18 month appointment

Joel went in for his 18 month appointment and the doctor said that he is growing and developing like a typical 18 month old. His weight was 24 lbs 9 oz. He only gained 2 oz so I don't know where all that food that he is eating is going. He must have a wooden leg. His height is 32 inches and his head was 47 1/2 inches. All of his measurements were in the 50 percentile. He is doing great.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Tampa Zoo

We also visited the Tampa Zoo.

Jupiter Beach

While we were in Florida we went to Jupiter Beach to meet up with Matt's Aunt Margie, Uncle Jerome, Cousins Amy, Aaron and Avery. While we were there we visited the beach and went to the turtle rescue hospital.

Christmas 2010

Yule slide

Here is Joel and daddy going down the huge slide that they put up at the childrens museum from after thanksgiving to the end of the start of the new year.