I am now 20 lbs which is the 50th percentile.
I am 29 1/2 inches long which is the 90th percentile.
My head measures 24 cms which is in the 50th percentile.
The doctor said that I am as healthy as a horse. He said that mom and dad can feed me anything but eggs and peanut butter but I can have things that may contain eggs and peanut butter. The doctor said that I am growing just fine and doing what I should be doing. They checked my iron level and it was 12.9 and the nurse said that it should be around 10 so I am not anemic. The doctor also said that we could start introducing the sippy cups with straws. He said that at one year I should be switched over to cows milk.
Things I like: to eat, to chase the dogs, cruise on the furniture, stand up on my own, playing in the bath
Things I don't like: getting water in my face, being told no, having things taken away from me
New things: I have two teeth, I wear 9-12 size clothes but mom thinks I may be outgrowing these soon, I can cruise on the furniture, I can crawl all over the place, I like to stand in my crib, I beg off of mom and dad whenever they eat anything (even if its something Im not suppose to have)
Finger foods I have tried: grapes, cheerios, pears, toast, pancakes, salmon, chicken, beef, cooked carrots, peas, apple juice, french fries, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, rice, apples,