Joel is 2 months old today and he is getting so big and animated. Joel had his 2 month doctors appointment and growing like he should be. He is 10 lbs 6 ounces which is in the 25th percentile. His length is 24 1/4 inces which is in the 25th percentile. His head is 37 1/2 inches around and that is between the 10th and 25th percentile. He had to get 3 shots and an oral vaccination but he did great. He only cried for a minute and then he was fine.
Likes: baths, eating, being talked to, talking, being read to, music
Dislikes: tummy time, his carseat when not moving, being licked by the dogs, spitting up, having his feet touched
Here are some pictures of our big boy on his 2nd month birthday.